Elderhood Work
Video Podcast Serie
- In the Western world there are more and more old people, but less and less wise human beings (many recent autors) !
- It is time now to remember and to newly re-invent Elderhood by old and new tools.
- For the health of our Western societies the elders need to become an important pillar again (like in traditional and indigenous societies)
- We elders need to recognize, to learn and to implement the actual messages, roles and duties of the "new generation of wise, old men".
- so then, let's go ...
☞ A new generation of wise and old men is needed ! Us !
From Ag-ing to Sag-ing
Doing Elderhood work we can follow the basic, fundamental, beyond-religious, very meaningful and holistic approach brought up by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Ronald Miller on "From Age-ing to Sage-ing"; to get an idea how to proceed for our Elderhood work let us then get inspired by Zalman saying essentially:
"The model that I’m proposing does more than restore the elder to a position of honor and dignity based on age and long life experience. It envisions the elder as an agent of evolution, attracted as much by the future of humanity’s expanded brain-mind potential as by the wisdom of the past. With an increased life span and the psychotechnologies to expand the mind’s frontiers, the spiritual elder heralds the next phase of human and global development."
Book recommendation:
Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman; Miller, Ronald S.. "From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Revolutionary Approach to Growing Older", Grand Central Publishing, 2014
Proposed Elderhood Process Framework:
To get balanced in our daily structure
Outer Work
such as ...
being consciously part of planet earth
honoring and protecting nature
support modern awakened sciences
care for our bodys and vegetative needs
live in a position of honor and dignity
in direction to:
fullfilling homeostasis at all levels
Inner Work
such as ...
energetic, emotional balancing work
breathing work, yoga, chi gong
journalling, harvesting
forgive- and gratefullness practice
taking care of unresolved conflicts
in direction to:
fullfilling deep subtle energetic balance
Secret Work
such as ...
meditation, contemplation, prayers
our inner, secret spiritual work
to connect relative and absolute wisdom
preparing for dying and death
as individual path or within a wisdom tradition
in direction to:
experiencing increasing moments of Oneness
Coaching in Elderhood work
To inspire our work towards unfolding potential wisdom let us contemplate on ...
Version 21.04.2024
… instead of either competing, fighting or giving up
to balance life-spikes like a pendulum into all dimensions.
… instead of choking on resentments, violations and shame
to deeply forgive ourselves, others and to ask for forgiveness.
… instead of getting corrupted by fakes and ignorance
to be a strong, clear and apparent lighthouse of truth.
… instead of suffering from high pride and low shame
to grow into forceful dignity and powerful humbleness.
… instead of being fixed on needing to enjoy existence always
to cordially embrace and welcome all - pain, shadow and bliss.
… instead of keeping on climbing upwards peak by peak
to glory the top’s view harvesting our lives by descending slowly.
… instead of staying with the growing-old of our body-houses,
to focus on fully implementing our subtle (vajra-) bodies.
… instead of getting lost into the diversity of the world
to find peace centred within our awakened, shining hearts.
… instead of continuing to deal with and balance our exoteric lives,
to awaken deeply und fully into a personal esoteric spiritual path.
… instead of struggling for appreciation and the urge of being valued
to express ourselves in unconditional view, meditation and action.
… instead of pretending that a human life is going on for ever
preparing death as a spiritual being leaving it’s body-house.
… instead of being caught into the cycle of growing and dying
surrendering into the timeless Slow Flow of ONENESS.
Video Podcast Series on
"Spiritual Elderhood"
by Dr. Thomas Rüedi & Dr. Bob Weathers
There is a spontaneous exchange between two elders about what it means for them to live spiritual elderhood today. The polarity of two different styles of communication - Bob as an artist of verbal expression, talking in his mother tongue, meets the mystical, poetic second language of Thomas - create a "knowing field", where intellectual and life-experiential knowledge (the relative world) and mystical, meditative experience (the absolute world) merge.
The videos cover (so far) the following issues:
- "The Knowing Field"
- "Shadow work"
- "Anger"
- "Three Steps into Oneness"
- "Forgiveness Practice"
- ....
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