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Swiss Holistic Institute
Dr. Thomas Rüedi
Swiss Holistic Institute - a "One-Man-Part-Time-Institute" - is engaged into an age-based continuation of over 30 years of professional work in his office by offering ongoing councellings and coachings for interested people into his previous main fields of interest - holistic, naturopathic and integrative medicine & dentistry and holistic men's work.
In addition to this, being now an Elder of this society, there have been included further core areas of interest into the institute - and by this he would like to offer a vessel of knowledge and broad, deeply reflected holistic views out of his life-long experience to be shared and passed on.
holistic - integrative - ♂♀︎ - integral - sensitive - spiritual
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Podcast with Dr. Bob Weathers on "Value of Holistic-Integrative Approaches on Health and Recovery"